Monday, August 31, 2009

Whirlwind trip to Fillmore

Monday we went to Fillmore to pick up a spreader. We wanted to be back in the Temecula area by noon, so we got up before the sun, and left around 4:30. It was kinda nice and peaceful that early in the morning.
This is not the spreader we picked up, but a new one they are using up in Fillmore.

The spreader in action. This is what the family business is all about, spreading mulch on farmland.

Mom H. and Tracy had a good time just hanging out while the guys discussed business, and got the spreader all hooked up.

This is the one we took back with us.


Veronica said...

it is kind of neat to get up & out that early ONCE in a while, huh? I haven't done it in a long time, but we used to leave to go snowboarding really early (pre-kids) & it there was always something cool about it, even though you are tired!

Mommy of KraftyGang kids said...

no blueberry picking?