Monday, April 5, 2010

1st time at nursery

We attend church at Fellowship in the Pass, in Beaumont, and they provide nursery for the children during various church activities. We have been going to a Wednesday night Bible study at Pastor Bob's home in Cherry Valley, and Grace is becoming a bit too distracting for everyone. We decided to take her to Nursery this week.

She arrived in this...but we had to change her out of it when we dropped her off.

Grace with Sherry, and Serena.

She did really well for the 1st hour, but then she just would not stop screaming, no matter what they tried. We had to leave Bible study early to go pick her up. We think she may be teething because she didn't even want to eat. We will try again though. It's probably just a matter of getting used to new people, and not being around mommy and daddy all the time.


Mommy of KraftyGang kids said...

is she doing better now in the nursery?

Tray said...

After about the third time in the nursery they didn't have to call us any more. She wasn't teething after all, she just wasn't used to being left at nursery. She does GREAT now problems at all.