Friday, November 20, 2009

Gaining weight

Monday Grace and mommy went to see a lactation consultant. She told us that Grace wasn't' getting enough to eat, and told us to supplement formula along with nursing. They have a system that feeds a little tube into her mouth as she nurses. In the appointment, Grace got 10 cc of formula down in a matter of seconds. We need to be sure to feed her 10 times a day and that she gets at least 18 oz in a 24 hr period. That means feeding her every 2 hrs during the day, and waking her every 3 hrs at night.

Wednesday, after 2 days of this, Grace gained 6.5 oz and was back up to her birth weight. They said to keep feeding her in the time schedule as before, but that we could give her less formula.

Thursday, at her wt. check up with the Dr., she had gained another 3 oz. We have another follow up at the clinic (lactation consultant) on Tuesday, and we will see what they say about feeding her and if we need to keep the formula going or if she can just nurse. We'll keep you all posted.

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