What a wonderful surprise!
Peter said he was going to Babies R Us today to pick up the mattress for the crib so it would finally look more complete. What he didn't tell me was that he also bought all the decor for the room. He put them in the garage, and I didn't even see them when I went out there to put something away. He had to come out and say, "Hey! What's all that stuff?!" I was so excited that I couldn't wait to put it all together.
Peter said he was going to Babies R Us today to pick up the mattress for the crib so it would finally look more complete. What he didn't tell me was that he also bought all the decor for the room. He put them in the garage, and I didn't even see them when I went out there to put something away. He had to come out and say, "Hey! What's all that stuff?!" I was so excited that I couldn't wait to put it all together.

Peter you are tiggerrrrrific!
Yay! Can't go wrong with Winnie the Pooh decor! How fun!! Did you guys already know what you wanted or did Peter pick it out?
Very cute. So happy that Peter finally decided to surprise you with the stuff, that was really nice of him.
Side note if you change the bumper pad around then the baby can look at the cute characters of winnie the pooh while laying in the crib!
I agree change bumper around for the baby :) WAAAAY TO GO PETER!!
Yes Veronica, we already picked out the Pooh decor and put it on our registry. I was itching to get it though and get the nursery in order, so I'm really glad and grateful that Peter got it.
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