Saturday Aug. 29th
Stephanie and Mom Z prepared a delicious light lunch for us all. The atmosphere was very relaxing and friendly, and it just wouldn't have been the same without Ellie's beautiful artwork on the walls.

The yummy cake had
Tigger pouncing on Pooh, and Piglet swinging from his tail. There were also many cute baby decorations on it: bottles, safety pins, bracelets, etc.

After lunch and cake, we played a few games. One of them involved cards. There were 3 in each set and we had to find the other ladies who matched the card that we were holding. Spring Hope and I won that one.

This is a very cute plaque from Mary Davis. It reads:
Cleaning and scrubbing
can wait 'til tomorrow
For babies grow up, we've
learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs,
dust go to sleep ~
I'm rocking my baby
And babies don't keep.

Ellie wanted to be in the picture too. I was happy to oblige her.

This beautiful afghan was made by my Aunt Vonnie, my dad's sister.
She also made a couple cute pair of little booties to go with it.

Jan and Mary admiring the afghan my Aunt Mitzi (my mom's sister) made and sent from England.

Thanks mom Z. This musical mobile will hopefully help lull the baby to sleep, and keep her occupied when she is awake. The clothes
hanging behind me here were from mom z and Stephanie too. They made such a cute decoration. I can't wait to try them all on baby Grace.

The diaper bag filled with goodies from Amy Davis and family.
Just look at those tiny socks.

Oh, all these little clothes are so tiny, and cute!

Mom H. got us our stroller and car seat. Now we can bring the little one home from the hospital. The artwork on the wall was done by Tracy's niece, Ellie. Stephanie said she kept begging to help with the shower, so she gave her some Pooh pictures to color. She did a really nice job!
Other gifts we received are: baby monitors, soft and fuzzy blankets, another diaper bag filled with baby essentials, diapers, more cute outfits, and even some from England.
Thanks mom and
Steph for all your hard work, and to all our family and friends who made this such a special day.
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