Grace with Dr. Guetzko. This is her 2nd week check up and weight follow up. She stayed the same in length as the week before, but her head grew another 1/4 cm, putting her at 14 cm, and her weight went up 4 oz, putting her at 6lbs 10 oz. She hasn't yet caught up to her birth weight of 6lbs 15 oz, so the Dr. wants us to feed her more often and wants to see her in a week to see if that goes up. She Mentioned we may want to consider supplementing with formula, but we can wait to see how she does this week first.
She's growing so fast.Last week at her first check up Grace was only 6 days old. She grew 1 1/4 in, her head grew 3/4 cm, and her weight dropped to 6 lbs 6 oz. It's typical for babies to lose weight at first, so there's nothing to worry about here.

Grace's pediatrician, Dr. Lisa Guetzko.
1 comment:
I love how the peds all carry around lap tops now! Ours does that too, lol! Keeps them organized! Looks like you guys like her, huh? That's great. It's so important that you love your pediatrician. We love ours too!
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