Molly, Sharlene, Valerie and Jeanette. The
brides matrons, and four of the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

Peter and Tracy, the happy couple. We forgot to bring the practice
bouquets, so we had to borrow these flowers from the church.

Drew, Tracy and Ellie waiting for rehearsal to start.

Pastor Chris goes over the vows with us. "Is this really happening? Are we really here?" We kept asking ourselves questions like this.

Rob and Lacey got married last year ('06). We will have the same anniversary. John David is about 3 months old here. He and Rod were the newst members of the Holladay family until Tracy came into the picture.

Brian (Peter's brother-in-law) and his son Gregory (the ring bearer).

The groomsmen: Pop, Levi, Viktor, and Brian with Pastor Chris in the back ground. The wedding just wouldn't have been the same with out them.

Walking her down the aisle. Wanna make sure we get this right!!!
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