Monday, April 5, 2010


Grace in her Easter Dress checking out her Easter basket.

Meeting Wayne at mom and pop's for resurrection day.

Grace and Faith.

Peter got a kick out of Matthew. He was just laughin' away and having a good ol time.

Grace and Matthew, face to face.

Grace with Uncle Levi.

Happy birthday Levi!

Grace and Granma.

Grace with Pop.

Faith and Wayne.

Saying good-bye to Aunt Faith.
We won't get to see her again before she heads home to Colorado this week.


We've been trying Grace on some new foods. This morning it was peaches.

Looks like they are a little tart for her.

O.K. I guess that's enough for today.

5 Months old

March 30th.

Just a few things Grace did on her 5 month day.

Saying good bye as daddy heads off to work.

Just finished her yummy squash, now for some rice cereal.

Grace is getting so independent. She loves to hold her own bottle.

Chewing on everything these days.


She hasn't quite gotten it down.

Grace has formula all over her face after attempting to feed herself.


At the end of the day she needed a bath. She made a mess of herself in more ways than one.

Grace just loves her bath time.

All cleaned up, and ready to get her jammies on and get ready for bed.

1st time at nursery

We attend church at Fellowship in the Pass, in Beaumont, and they provide nursery for the children during various church activities. We have been going to a Wednesday night Bible study at Pastor Bob's home in Cherry Valley, and Grace is becoming a bit too distracting for everyone. We decided to take her to Nursery this week.

She arrived in this...but we had to change her out of it when we dropped her off.

Grace with Sherry, and Serena.

She did really well for the 1st hour, but then she just would not stop screaming, no matter what they tried. We had to leave Bible study early to go pick her up. We think she may be teething because she didn't even want to eat. We will try again though. It's probably just a matter of getting used to new people, and not being around mommy and daddy all the time.

Another new cousin ont he way

Jon and Steph are having a baby!!!

Grace with Grandma Pat and Grandma Z.

A couple of hand made blankets. Above: by Aunt Tracy and below: by Grandma Z.

It was a lovely shower at her friend Melissa's house for baby Cole Harley due on May 10th. Can't wait to meet our newest cousin.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Jipsy - you will be missed!!!

Jipsy on the porch at our place in Castaic. She loved it there. She could roam free, and go on walks with Karen and her pooches. If Jipsy decided to go on those walks that could take hrs, Karen would put the dog dish in front of the door so we knew she was with her. Jipsy also loved to greet everyone at the gate. I think one guy would always give her part of his sandwich, so of course she wanted to greet everyone.

Jipsy has been a great dog, and we will miss her so much. She was pretty old, and her hips were getting bad making it difficult for her to get around. We would even have to help her up at times. Saturday we gave her a bath out in the back yard and noticed that all day she seemed to just be wandering around. She wouldn't take a break and lie down unless we went out and forced her to. Even then, she was up again almost as soon as we turned around. We knew her hip was bothering her so all that pacing must have been painful for her. Usually with all that walking she would drink a lot, but she didn't that day. Finally in the evening we decided it was time to take her in have her put down. It was so hard for us to make that decision, but we are glad now that she is no longer suffering. We love her so much and will always carry her in our hearts.

This was taken just before we moved down to Hemet.

Loving the new bed we got for her after the big move.

Basking in the sun.

At our place in the canyon, Jipsy loved to sleep under the oleanders across the driveway. Here we had this bush in the back yard that she and Molly would hang out by. They would go under it in those hot summer months to keep cool. She sure seemed to enjoy the grass too. Before we moved, the only time she would see grass is when she would visit her sister Puddin in Fillmore, so this is a real treat.

Those we hold in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our thee month old

Can you believe it?
Our little girl is three months old today.
Time sure does fly.

Had to get one of the kitty.

She is such a joy and a blessing from God.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Breaking out of her britches

We came in from putting Grace down for bed, and this is how we found her.
She had wiggled and kicked herself right out of her sleeper.

Friday, January 22, 2010

No feet...or legs for that matter

The way Grace curled up in her crib this morning, it looks like she doesn't have any feet.


Thought this was a cute picture of Samson with his little paw. He looks so relaxed!

Birth and Beyond Clinic

Grace and Monmy have been going to the Birth and Beyond clinic in the Hemet Hospital, for regular weight checks.

(See post below entitled 'Grace" for more info on this issue, and her visit to the Hospital in Mid December.)

Here is Jenifer with Grace. She is the one we have been seeing regularly when we g to the clinic. At this latest visit, Grace weighed 11 lbs 2 oz, and gained 18 oz from her previous visit which was 2 weeks ago.

She's getting so big.