Wow. we've been really busy lately getting things ready for the baby, that we have sadly neglected our blog. So here is a month of updates all in one post.
OB appointments
When we went in for our appointment on the 8th, we got a final ultrasound, just to be sure the baby is in the right position (head down). All looked very well as we got to see our little girl for the last time in the womb. Mommy is getting pretty uncomfortable these days. Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE being pregnant, but it's more difficult to find comfy positions to sit and sleep in.
The following week, on the 16th, they said they wanted to schedule me for induction. According to them, my due date wasn't 'til the 20th, but they didn't want to go much past that, not even a week. We don't want to have to induce, so they let us put it off a week. She said I'm softening, but not dilated yet, same as the week before.
On the 22nd, I finally met Dr. Risvi, the male Dr. in the office. He and Dr. Chiodi alternate weeks in the office, and in the hospital. He checked me and said the same thing, that I am softening, but still not dilating. We told him we didn't want to induce, but wanted to do everything as naturally as possible. At frist he seemd to agree with us, told us we needed to schedule foe a stress test twice a week, and left the room. A few minutes later, he came in and really pushed us to get on the induction schedule. These hospitals are really busy, and he didn't want us to wait, because the longer you wait, the fuller the schedule gets, and the more complications you risk. After much prayer and thought, we decided to go ahead and let them put us on the schedule, hoping that we would go into labor before that.
The next day we went in for the stress test. They hooked Tracy up to 2 monitors, one to check the baby's heartrate, etc., and the other to check for contractions. After about 20 min, the nurse came back in and said that all looked very well, the baby was doing fine from that stand point, and sent us to the ulrtasound technician. We tried to ask questions but he kept telling us he couldn't say anything good or bad. He did tell us things that we not realated to how the baby was doing, like here's the head, a leg, etc. He didn't take any measurements, so we really have no idea how big the baby is, since he was only looking for movement, and fluid amount. He did say she was very active whis is a good thing. I'm glad the nurse offered me that OJ earlier. When the results got back to the nurse, she said we got a very high score (11.5 out of a possible 12). That meant that the baby was under NO stress at all, and that she had plenty of fluid around her. That was a relief, and an answer to prayer. She called our Dr. and we don't need to go back in for another stress test before the scheduled incution Wed. night at 10pm.
OK after reading the following, I am a little more at peace about this induction.
Your pregnancy: 41 weeks
How your baby's growing:
A bit over 20 inches long, your baby has continued to grow and may now weigh almost 8 pounds. As cozy as he is, your baby can't stay inside you forever. For your baby's safety, your practitioner will talk with you about inducing labor if your baby isn't born in the next week — earlier if there are any problems. Most practitioners won't let you wait more than two weeks past your due date to give birth because it puts you and your baby at increased risk for complications. About 5 to 6 percent of women have prolonged pregnancies that extend three or more weeks beyond their estimated due dates. Babies born at 42 weeks and beyond can have dry parchment-like skin and are often overweight. Waiting that long to deliver also increases your chance of developing an infection in your uterus that could be dangerous for your baby or of having a stillbirth. What's more, your labor is more likely to be prolonged or stalled, both you and your baby have an increased risk of injury during a vaginal delivery, and you double your chances of needing a c-section.
Saturday Oct. 10thGrandma Pat had her 84th b-day on Friday the 9th. She told us to shoot for that date...sorry to disappoint you Grandma.

Mom ordered her a tres leches cake. It was de-lish!

We all had a great time together celebrating her b-day. Wow, 2 great grand children already and 2 more on the way. What a blessing! No, I'm not having twins. Stephanie is having a third due to arrive in late April. A surprise to be sure, but a delightful one.
Tuesday Oct. 6th

We ordered our bassinet online only a few days ago, and today it came. Earlier in the day we got a message from a neighbor, that she had some baby clothes she would be giving to goodwill, unless we wanted them. When we got back from a yummy sushi dinner, I went over to see about the clothes. I guess Peter couldn't wait to assemble the bassinet, because when my neighbor and I came back with 3 bags full of baby clothes, Peter had the living room all strewn with parts. After a short visit, we thanked our neighbor for her generous donation, and got right to work.
Church baby shower
Saturday Oct. 3rd
This shower was originally scheduled for the previous weekend. Since Spring and Hope were having a shower on the same day, we were thankfully able to reschedule. Joyce made me promise I would still be there, and wait to have the baby. I did promise, but I was really hoping she would come early. Joyce and Elena headed up this event, and we had a wonderful time. It was great to have so many ladies from the choir, and our Sunday school class there, among others. Thanks for opening your home for this, Joyce, and for all the work that went in to preparing for it.

Tracy with Karen Scrimma. She is due in early December. Looks like I have started dropping already.

The cake was a tastey as it looked. Yummm!

Some of the shower guests. Once most had arrived, we enjoied a delicious pot luck lunch.

Baby Grace received so many wnderful gifts including cute clothes, diapers and other essentioals, and so many beautiful hand made gifts as well. Whe will be very warm this winter, and well dressed, thanks you all you ladies.
Saturday and Sunday Sept. 26-27
We had a great time celebrating with family. Friday was Mom Holladay's birthday. They celebrated that night, but since we were already coming up on Saturday, we gave her a gift then. Spring and Hope had a combined baby shower on Saturday, they are due in November and December. Tracy made blankets for each of them, for their boys. It was a nice shower, and we all had a good time with family and long time friends. For church, we went to PBC. It was great to reconnect with many of the friends we have there as well.
Sunday Sept. 20th
It was so nice to get together with old friends. My bridesmaids threw a baby shower for me. I forgot my camera and have had trouble receiving the pics my friend took. It was such a lovely shower at the Parker's home, and a great time of fellowship as we all gathered to celebrate baby Grace. one of the games was to name as many famous 'Grace's' as you could. Let's see how well you all do. Leave a comment if you would like to play along. Just from memory now, no looking them up on the internet, we have to be fair here.

This was the cute little cake topper.