God was very good to us this Christmas, and New Years. Christmas Eve we spent with Tracy's family in Upland and Christmas day we celebrated with Peter's family in Fillmore.

Time to open presents! This is always the most chaotic time of the evening as the kids scramble around passing them out and begging to open all their presents.

Happy Birthday Peter! Being the day after Christmas, we celebrated Peter's b-day on Christmas day. Hence the wreaths and Christmas trees on the cake. Mom H. makes the most delicious chocolate cake with this caramel drizzle in it...makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Yum

Tracy and Alice celebrating Christmas at Mom and
Pop's. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she's signing 'cat'. She sure loves her

Santa brought us Disneyland passes so here we are at the Happiest place on earth on Peter's birthday. It was VERY crowded, as you can imagine on the day after Christmas, but we had a blast. We were disappointed to miss the snow on main street, but the transformation of the castle was gorgeous. We didn't know this, but we happened to be around the castle when they did the transformation. It was all lit up and looked great, but then, the lights around went dim, and the castle lights changed. It suddenly had beautiful icicles hanging from it. The sight was nearly breathtaking. My description doesn't do it justice, but take my word for it. If you have a chance to see that you will absolutely love it. Small World was also quite spectacular at night.

Peter's been wanting a new BBQ and has been throwing hints out for quite some time. I thought he was just gonna buy one himself sometime, but just a few days before Christmas he said he wanted it for a present. I was already done with my shopping, so I made a few calls, and with the help of family we were able to get him one for his birthday. We've already cooked on it twice, and it works GREAT! Thanks everyone! Now we need to have you all over so you can see how well it works.
uuhhh, we'll have to get back to you on that one. ;)