Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mother's Day Tea
In 1999, Stephanie, Amy and Tracy took their mothers too tea for Mother's Day. We had such a good time, that we have carried on the tradition for many years. This year was our 10th tea. Several years ago we went to a tea flower shop in Glendora, that had a little tea room in the back. They had a tea journal on the shelf that we bought and wrote in that year which has become part of the tradition. It is such a blessing to go back and see who was at each tea, and all the wonderful things everyone has to say each year.
Stephanie and Ellie (Tracy's sister-in-law and niece). Ellie finished sewing this purse just moments before we left for the tea. She told her mommy where she wanted the Eiffel Tower and the clouds on the handle. Sh behaved like such a little lady.
What's this you ask? I love how they are so creative. This is a little piece of watermelon cut out to look like a tea pot.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Happy May Day!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Work Day
Bee Gone! I Say!!!!!
Peter attempted to scrape the honeycomb off the roof here, but decided he would have more success if he took off that part of the rood instead...so that's what he did.
I love how the honeycomb is lined up in rows like that. I had no idea it would look like that. I guess i don't know enough about bees and their hives. Towards the right, you can see where they built some new comb, but hadn't started to use it yet. This is such a beauty, and a wonder, that I almost hate to see it go. But we were warned that if we didn't remove it, we would get all kinds of critters looking to get at that honey.
This is the after shot...hive removed.
Can you believe all the bees here? WOW!
Here's what's left of the hive. But the bee guy said we needed to remove all the honey and the hive. The bees can smell the pheromones so bees from another hive may come and work on it here it we don't get rid of in all and seal up the holes.
Here's a piece of the new stuff that we kept for a souvenir.
Couple's Retreat
We left for Venture on Friday and came home on Sunday. Behind us there is the pier, and the restaurant is Eric Erickson's. On our way out on Sunday we went to the harbor to Andria's. This is a really good little fish and chips place...very popular. It's the type of place where you wait in line to order and they call out your number...I guess that sounds like fast food, but it didn't seem like that. It was very good.
We learned a lot at the retreat and had a blast. The speaker was pastor Philip DeCourcey, the former pastor of PBC. He talked about the roles we have as husband and wife, the importance of communication, and things to watch for that can break it down, and many other very helpful subjects. Peter and I were volunteered for a game called the shoe game. The couples sit back to back and swap a shoe so you each have one of your shoes and one of you spouses shoes in each hand. Then they ask questions and you have to guess how your spouse will respond. "who is the better driver" for example. You hold up the shoe of the person you think is the better driver and hope they agree. It was a blast! We actually got pretty far being newlyweds. We had a great time all weekend and met several new people. It was great to be back in church the following Sunday and see many of the couples we met at the retreat.
Bee Gone!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Going... going... gone?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Our Bee Problem
What's all that stuff in the tree. It's a bird! It's a plane! Nope, it's a whole bunch of bees!
Weekend at the Cabin
Ventura Raceway
The track is so small and tight, that there are many reasons people aren't able to finish a race. There were several crashes throughout the evening, but I'm pretty sure no one got hurt.
Before all the adults came out, they had some even smaller dwarf cars called minis. These were driven by kids ages 5 - 11, I think. They may have been a little older than that. I just couldn't imagine Ellie, my niece, or Adam or Gregory, Peter's nephews, out there driving around. It looked like they were having fun, but...
Another thing they do is put a flag in the back window of all the rookies. It's pretty cool to see how far they get. Some are really good.